Ned Ned FAQs

If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us at:

Q: Where and when can I pick up my bib?

We offer early packet pickup at Runner’s Roost Boulder on Wednesday Sept. 11 from 3-7pm. Packets will also be available for pick-up the night before (Fri) at TEENS, Inc. from 4-7 pm. Packets will also be handed out during pre-race check-in at TEENS, Inc. between 7:15 am – 7:45 am. For the 10K / Half – and between 8:00 am – 8:45 am on September 14th.

Q: Can I register on race day?

Yes, you can register at TEENS, Inc. between 7:15 am – 7:45 am on September 14th. Cash or check (to TEENS, Inc.) only. You’ll need to sign a waiver so make sure to give yourself time.

Q: Where can we park?

Parking is available at various places around town. Please see the map provided by the Town of Nederland

Download the map >> Parking for Ned*Ned Race

Q: Do you accept money donations on race day?

Yes, The Ned*Ned warmly accepts your donations for TEENS, Inc. at any time of the year, including on race day. 

Q: Is this a green event?

We encourage runners to carry their own bottle for aid station fill-ups and post race hydration. We also encourage car pooling as parking may be limited. If you are coming from Boulder, please also consider using RTD for transportation.

Schedule of Events

7:15 am – 7:45 am: Bib pick up and race day registration for Half Marathon
8:00 am – 9:00 am: Bib pick up and race day registration for 5k /10K
11am(ish) – Awards


Toilets available at TEENS, Inc. at Race Start/Finish. Port-o-potties for racers are located at TEENS, Inc.,the 5K turnaround, and the E/W Magnolia crossover.